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The tale of the woodcutter

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There’s a short story about a woodcutter we like to share with our students, which we’re going to share in this blog. It’s a simple reminder of something we all forget to do – something which can make our lives so much more enjoyable and productive. Are you sitting comfortably? Then let’s begin…

PTY woodcutter axe

Woodcutting, like life, can be hard!

Once upon a time, there was a young man with strong arms and a strong work ethic. Fittingly, he found a job as a woodcutter in a forest.

On his first day, he managed to cut down an impressive twenty trees! “Not bad, lad!” exclaimed his boss (who turned the wood into planks).

Determined to maintain his track record, the young woodcutter set out to do the same, if not more, on his second day. But after fifteen trees, he had to stop.

On the third day, the woodcutter rose early, keen to get a head start on the job and bring his total back up to twenty. Alas, he managed to cut down even fewer trees than the day before!

This pattern continued, with the woodcutter leaving work more and more disheartened as the week went on.

Eventually, one of the older woodcutters took him to one side for a chat. “When did you last sharpen your axe?” he asked. The young woodcutter stared at him blankly, for he had not sharpened his axe once since starting his new job – he hadn’t had the time to spare, after all.

However, the next morning, the young woodcutter remembered what his friend had asked him and set aside a few minutes to sharpen his axe, before attempting to cut down more trees.

And do you know what? Despite having less time to chop wood, he managed to bring his total back up to twenty.

Have you sharpened your axe?

PTY festival scene for woodcutter story

Nourish your soul to sharpen your axe

This simple story has an important lesson for those of us who live busy, active lives. It serves to remind us about the need to sharpen our own axe. We’re speaking metaphorically, of course. For us, the axe is three-sided: it has a physical edge, a mental edge and a spiritual edge – and it’s these aspects of ourselves that we have to ‘sharpen’.

When we look at the story from this perspective, the job of chopping down trees is life itself. With a well-maintained ‘axe’ – physical strength, mental clarity and a heart full of love – we become more masterly in our approach to the job of life.

Be the best woodcutter you can be!

As the nights grow longer and the air becomes damp and cold, it can be tempting to hide out in our cosy homes. And yes, this is one way to sharpen your axe. But it’s not the whole story. To maintain energetic balance, a strong and vital body, and a focused mind – to keep all three edges of the axe sharp – we must come back to the mat.

Throughout the Autumn term at Peacock Tree Yoga, we’re inviting you to commit to sharpening your blade not only in our classes, but in two special workshops being held in September and November.

The first of these Yoga Ninja workshops will afford you an opportunity to take stock of where you are now – to take a close-up inspection of your axe. The second workshop, which takes place 9 weeks later, will show you how much sharper your blade has become!

Contact us now to book a place in one or both workshops:

  • Email: info@peacocktreeyoga.com
  • Call: 07772 706 736 / 01904 235932
  • Facebook: PeacockTreeYoga

Back to School?

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Even as adults, we never quite shake off the rhythm of the academic year. September brings a sense of newness – it feels as though the time is right for going ‘back to school’, whether that means taking a course, developing a new hobby, or joining a club of some sort. This is one reason why the Peacock Tree Yoga beginners course is so popular each September. But we know that going ‘back to school’ can be a nerve-wracking experience, so here’s a reassuring lowdown on what you will – and won’t! – encounter at ‘yoga school’…

Pack up yer pencils!

Well, for a start, you won’t be needing a new pencil tin to etch your name into with a compass. Nor will you be required to cover your books with posters of your favourite pop group. In a yoga class, it’s less about pens and rubbers and more about mats and eye pillows (we’ll provide you with these items in your free trial class). We don’t give out grades either; no-one is ever judged on their ability. We only want to help you to reach your highest potential – whatever that may be – and to live a joyful life in a healthy body, free of stress and suffering.

Go back to school with Peacock Tree Yoga!

At Peacock Tree Yoga, we aim to help you reach your goals.

Back to school fears…

However, we completely understand that for many people, joining a new yoga class can be as terrifying as starting primary school at the tender age of four. But we want you to feel confident about going ‘back to school’ this September – because, like these Peacock Tree Yoga students, we know what a positive impact yoga can have on people’s lives! So, with that in mind, we thought we’d unravel a few myths and misunderstandings about yoga.

Already convinced about the benefits of yoga? Then register now for your free trial class!

There’s a rumour going around…

  1. Yoga is for bendy, slim, young people. WRONG: Yoga is for everyone – and every body. You don’t start off being bendy – that comes with time, along with strength and focus. You might become slimmer – many people find that they do, with a regular yoga practice. You can become younger with yoga too – one of our favourite testimonials is “First time I’ve touched my toes in 35 years”!
  2. Yoga is a religion. WRONG: Yoga complements religion beautifully – and when we say religion, we mean any religion. Yes, yoga is integral to the Buddhist and Hindu traditions, which adopted it, but it is, in fact, a science – of the Self. Yoga gives us techniques for uniting mind, body and spirit – including asana (postures), breathing and meditation – to help us achieve optimum wellbeing and experience the ‘oneness’ of everything!
  3. Yoga isn’t challenging enough for sporty people. WRONG: Yoga can be incredibly challenging – especially for sporty people! Have you ever tried stretching a muscle that’s more familiar with being in a state of contraction?! Or using muscles you didn’t even know you had? Well it’s high time you did, especially if you want to enhance your sports performance!
  4. Yoga is about following rules. WRONG: Yoga shows us how to use our own wisdom to make the best of ourselves and the situations in which we find ourselves. Having said that, we do ask our students to observe some Yoga Etiquette!
  5. Yoga is expensive. WRONG: Yoga is cheap when you consider the cost of having a bad back, a sport injury, or a stressful life – all of which can be alleviated or avoided with yoga. Or when you compare the cost of a class to the cost of that takeaway coffee you buy each morning, the bottle of fizz you put in the fridge for Friday night, or any other indulgence… Indulge your mind and body instead – or as well, if you must!
  6. Yoga is boring. WRONG: A good yoga class leaves you feeling invigorated, relaxed, determined, focused and, yes, happy! And at Peacock Tree Yoga, we occasionally take it further – celebrating the likes of Hallowe’en, Bonfire night and Christmas by practising in costume!

So now you know the truth…

Are you feeling a bit more confident about going back to school? Are you ready to make a commitment to your physical and mental wellbeing, and discovering new ways of coping with everything life throws at you? Then head over to our Yoga Essentials page for a complete break-down of what you can expect from our twelve-week course, and to find out how you can register for your FREE trial class.

Still don’t believe it’s for you? Then watch at this time lapse film we made in one of our Yoga Essentials (beginners) classes – what’s not to love?! Hope to see you soon!