York in York Workshops – Yin Yoga & Meditation

Ever feel like you could stop the world from turning and have a moment to catch up with yourself? Or how it would feel to have no tension in your body? Then this workshop is for you!

Long-held, passive postures provide the ideal setting for some deep relaxation of both mind and body. With the length of time spent in each posture ranging from 45 seconds to two minutes, sometimes more, moderate stress is applied to the body’s connective tissues (tendons, fascia, and ligaments), increasing circulation in the joints and making us more supple.

Workshop content

In this workshop, you will be shown how to use blocks, blankets, cushions and bolsters to support your body, so that you are able to sink deep into these long-held postures and take the maximum benefit. There will also be teachings upon which you will be invited to reflect, as well as guided meditations for connecting you to the silence within.

Would you like to experience warmth, comfort and spaciousness? Then this workshop is for you.

Essential info

Saturday 18th November 2023 |  9.30am – 12.30pm  |  Woodthorpe, York  |  £45*

Suitable for all levels. Non-Peacock Tree Yoga students are very welcome.

Payment reserves your place. Online payment info: Peacock Tree Yoga  |  09.01.29 |  33869885 (Santander)

*Make a saving by booking a place at three or more workshops:

  • 1 workshop – £45
  • 3 workshops – £108 – £36 each, a saving of £27

Email: info@peacocktreeyoga.com  |  Text: 07772 707 736