Foundation Workshop | Sat 1st July 2023 | 9.30am – 12.30pm | £45*
Are you new to yoga? Or have you been practising for a little while and would like to consolidate your knowledge?
Would you like to experience an amazing morning of asana (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation?
Would you like something interesting to tell your friends about?!
This workshop is ideal if you’re completely new to yoga, or if you have some experience and want to consolidate your yoga knowledge, deepen your practice and take it to the next level – perfect for beginners who wish to progress to our improver classes. Non-Peacock Tree Yoga students also welcome!
Booking essential (payment reserves your place). *Make a saving by booking a place at more than one workshop – details here. Online payment info: Peacock Tree Yoga | 09.01.29 | 33869885 (Santander)
Email: | Text: 07772 707 736